How to uninstall ardagent
How to uninstall ardagent

how to uninstall ardagent

Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header. Used to accept the source license agreement, and avoid the prompt. You must provide a path to a file that you have the write rights to. Retains all files and directories created by the package (portable)ĭirects the logging to a log file. The default experience shows uninstaller progress.ĭeletes all files and directories in the package directory (portable)

how to uninstall ardagent

The default experience shows uninstaller progress. Runs the uninstaller in interactive mode. It will not use the default behavior of a substring. Uses the exact string in the query, including checking for case-sensitivity.

how to uninstall ardagent

Restricts the search to the source name provided. If not specified, latest will uninstall the highest versioned application. Limits the search to the moniker listed for the application.Įnables you to specify an exact version to uninstall. Limits the search to the name of the application. Limits the uninstall to the ID of the application. You can use the manifest to run the uninstall experience from a local YAML file. Must be followed by the path to the manifest (YAML) file. The options allow you to customize the uninstall experience to meet your needs. This is most often the string of characters you expect to help find the package you are uninstalling.

How to uninstall ardagent